Diary of a Medical Technology Student-Athlete

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medical technology student-athlete, university of santo tomas, UST, swimming, Anna Thea Articona

She’s a medical technology student-athlete and this is her inspiring story.


It is no secret that college tuition fees are expensive. At the University of Santo Tomas, the course Medical Technology is one of the most expensive ones due to the multiple laboratory classes.

There are various scholarships offered in the university, and one of the scholarships UST offers is the Sto. Domingo Scholarship for athletes.

High School students all over the country train so hard in their respective sports so that they can harvest all their hard work by obtaining a scholarship for their tertiary education.

This is the case for 3rd-year Medical Technology student Thea Articona; she has been a Sto. Domingo has been a scholar in UST ever since she started senior high last 2017, and she continues to thrive in both swimming and academics.


Exercise is essential for kids with Asthma; that was the case for Thea and why her parents wanted her to get into a sport.

She tried a lot of different sports, but the moment she started her swimming lessons, she immediately fell in love.

Being in the water gave her so much joy that she decided to train regularly.

A team is a family, and that was what she adored most in her swimming club; everyone bonded so well, and she saw how passionate and determined everyone was in training and competitions.

Everyone supported and cheered for one another. That’s when Thea decided to swim competitively; she wanted to be a part of that beautiful family.

A Medical Technology Student

The skeletal system is intimidating, and Thea was one of those people who were not fond of studying it, so she decided to take Medical Technology.

Her family convinced her that it was the best pre-medicine course. Since she was a bit scared of the Skeletal system, she knew that Medical Technology would be a better choice. And it was; Thea has no regrets in choosing Medical Technology because she is blessed with a great support system that pushed her to reach her goals.

Best of Both Worlds: Medical Technology Student-Athlete

When you love something, it’s hard to let it go. Thea chose to continue swimming even though she knew how challenging the course was because of her love for the sport. It was hard to let go of something you have invested more than 14 years of your life.

In swimming, she gained so much experience, memories, and bonds that it is difficult to let go of.

She promised herself that she would finish her swimming career till she graduated from Medical Technology. A medical technology student-athlete at the same time. It’s also a great perk because, as a university athlete, she is on a full scholarship, and they’re given a monthly allowance.

Balancing both is not a joke; it’s the most significant obstacle she has faced so far as a college student, but giving up either is not an option, especially when you love what you’re doing.

Rise and Shine: Morning with a Medical Technology Student-Athlete

With classes being the number one priority, the training schedule is dependent on it.

According to Thea, when her class is scheduled at 7 am, she would wake up around 4 am to study before going to class, and she would proceed to train afterward at around 5 pm.

When her class is scheduled at 10 am, or later, she would go to training at 5 am before attending class and train again after class.

It was a tiring routine, but Thea is determined and passionate. Discipline plays a big part because it would be impossible to excel in both without firm discipline.


Thea has been a consistent Dean’s lister since the 1st semester of her 1st year in Medical Technology.

In swimming, she maintained her position in team A, wherein she receives a full scholarship every semester, monthly allowances, etc., and she gets to compete in the UAAP.

She was able to compete in her 1st year back in 2019, and she was also able to grab a bronze medal.

With the pandemic still ongoing, sadly, competitions are on hold. Still, Thea continues to train and study hard so that when everything gets back to normal, she is physically and mentally ready.

Medical Technology Student-Athlete: Beyond Happy and Grateful

With only a year and a half left for her bachelor’s degree, Thea wholeheartedly said that there are no regrets about her decisions to swim and study Medical Technology.

Although life has been full of breakdowns and excessive stress lately, Thea is happy and grateful to be part of both worlds at the end of the day.

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Picture of Patricia Tee

Patricia Tee

MedTech. Swimmer. Aspiring Writer. Occasional Baker. Stressed out human being that seizes the day one chika at a time.