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As the weather gets warmer, so does our desire to get outside and enjoy our favorite sports. But what about after you’re done swimming? Do you know how to remove water from your ears fast and safely?
It can be annoying to have water in your ear. You may try blowing your nose, swallowing, or pinching the opening of your ear, but none of these methods are always effective. If you want to remove water from your ears quickly and safely, here is a guide for you.
Here are 14 ways how to remove water from your ears
1. Apply Pressure
If you are experiencing water retention in your ears, the first step is to relieve the pressure.
This can be done by applying pressure to your eardrums with your fingers, using a tissue or a cloth. Hold the pressure for 10-15 seconds, and then release. Repeat as needed.
If this method does not work, you can try the other methods listed below.
2. Gargle with Saltwater
Another safe method how to remove water from your ears is gargle with saltwater. If you are experiencing water retention in your ears, the first step is to remove any excess water.
You can do this by gargling with saltwater. Make a solution of 1 part salt to 10 parts water and gargle your ears for a few minutes.
Be careful not to pour too much water into your ears, as it could cause further damage. If this doesn’t work, see a doctor.
3. Take a Nap
Another safe method how to remove water from your ears is to relax and take a nap. If you are experiencing watery ears, there are a few things you can do to try and remedy the situation.
The first is to try and take a nap sideways.
This will help to clear out your ears while you’re sleeping and should help with the drainage of any water that may have accumulated inside them.
4. Use a Nasal Aspirator
Another safe method how to remove water from your ears is to use a nasal aspirator. If you are experiencing water in your ears, there are a few ways to remove it. One is to use a nasal aspirator.
Nasal aspirators use suction to remove water from the nasal cavity and can be bought over the counter or at pharmacies.
You can also use a cup and try to suck out the water yourself, but this method is not recommended if you have a cold or sinus infection.
If all else fails and you cannot get the water out using any of these methods, read the other methods listed below.
5. Jiggle your earlobe
Another safe method how to remove water from your ears is to jiggle your ears. If you can’t find the water, tilt your head back and try to squeeze some of the water out by gently jiggling your earlobe.
- The first approach can immediately shake the water out of your ear.
- Tilt your head lower toward your shoulder and gently tug or jiggle your earlobe.
- While in this position, you might also try swaying your head from side to side.

6. Tilt your head and let gravity carry out the task
Another safe method how to remove water from your ears is to simply tilt your head. Gravity should aid in the water leaving your ear using this method.
How to remove water from your ears. Spend a few minutes on your side with your head resting on a towel to absorb the water. Your ear may start to gently empty of water.
7. Use the palm of your hand as a vacuum
Another safe method how to remove water from your ears is to create a vacuum. If you are experiencing water retention in your ears, the first step is to establish a vacuum using the palm of your hand. This will help to remove excess water from the ear canal and reduce the risk of further damage.
If water drainage from your ears is not resolving after following these simple steps, consult a doctor for further evaluation.
- The vacuum produced by this technique might suck the water out.
- Leaning your head to one side, place your cupped palm over your ear to form a tight seal.
- Gently and quickly, move your palm in a back-and-forth motion toward your ear, flattening it as you move and cupping it as you pull away.
- To let the water drain, tilt your head downward.

8. Hair dryer
Another safe method how to remove water from your ears is to use a hair dryer. If you are experiencing water in your ears, there are a few things that you can do.
The most common way to remove water from your ears is by using a hair dryer. Plug in the hair dryer and set it to its lowest setting. Close your eyes and hold your head close to the device while using it to dry out the water in your ears. If this doesn’t work, you may need to go to a doctor or health care professional.
9. Use vinegar and alcohol eardrops
Another safe method how to remove water from your ears is to use vinegar and alcohol eardrops. If you experience water stuck in your ears after a shower or bath, there are a few ways to remove it. Vinegar and alcohol can help loosen the water and allow it to drain out.
To do this, put 1 teaspoon of white vinegar in each ear and give them a good shake. then pour 2 cups of boiling water into each ear and wait 10 minutes before trying to drain the excess water with a cotton ball or q-tip. If the water doesn’t come out after 10 minutes, repeat the process, adding more vinegar as needed. Be careful not to burn your ears with hot liquid; use cool boiled water instead.
The water in your ear may evaporate with the aid of alcohol. Additionally, it serves to stop the development of germs, which can aid in avoiding infection. The vinegar might aid in removing any earwax accumulation that may be the cause of the trapped water.
- To make eardrops, combine vinegar and alcohol in equal amounts.
- Apply three to four drops of this mixture to each ear using a sterile dropper.
- Gently rub your ear’s outside.
- After 30 seconds, turn your head to the side to allow the solution to drain.

Use caution if you have any of the following conditions:
- An infection in the middle ear
- A punctured eardrum
- Tubes for tympanostomy (eardrum tubes)
- Purchase vinegar and rubbing alcohol online.
10. Apply eardrops with hydrogen peroxide
Another safe method how to remove water from your ears is using hydrogen peroxide. Eardrops with hydrogen peroxide are effective at removing water from the ears. You can also use a cotton swab and alcohol to clean the ear canal. If you experience pain or irritation after cleaning your ears, see a doctor.
Water may be trapped in your ear by dirt and earwax, which can be removed with hydrogen peroxide solutions. Online stores sell eardrops that dissolve earwax using a carbamide peroxide solution (a mixture of urea and hydrogen peroxide).
Use caution if you have any of the following conditions:
- symptoms of an injury or infection, such as ear hemorrhage, swelling, warmth, and pain
- a middle ear illness
- a hole in the eardrum
- tubes for tympanostomy (eardrum tubes)

11. Try olive oil
Another safe method how to remove water from your ears is using olive oil. If you find that water simply won’t drain from your ears, some people recommend using olive oil. Simply warm a few drops of olive oil in a small bowl, and insert the tip of a Q-tip into one ear. Gently push the oil down into the ear canal until it comes out the other end. Plug your ears for about five minutes so that the oil can work its magic and start draining water. Wipe any excess oil off your ears and voila – all done!
Olive oil can keep water out of your ears and help you avoid ear infections.
- In a small bowl, warm some olive oil. To check the temperature, apply a few drops to the inside of your wrist.
- Put a few drops of the oil into the troubled ear using a clean dropper.
- Spend about ten minutes lying on your other side, then sit up and droop one ear. The oil and water ought to drain away.
12. Drop more water into your ears
Another safe method how to remove water from your ears is to drop more water. Water can easily accumulate in the ears due to frequent exposure to moisture and sweat, as well as using a swimming pool or hot tub. Even if you’re not sweating or getting wet, water can still get inside your ears if you blow your nose or cry. If the water is left in the ears too long, it can cause infection and even permanent damage to the eardrums.
If you notice that water has accumulated inside your ears, the first thing to do is try to remove it using cups or other small containers. Fill one cup with water and place it over your ear. Gently pour the water out of the cup until it’s clear. Repeat this process with another cup if necessary.
Gently blow your nose and then tilt your head back so that water from your mouth can flow into your ear; do not rinse out your ear with a lot of water at once; just let gravity work its way out. Be sure not to put anything in your ear during this process; jewelry, coins, and other objects could become trapped and cause further injury. If you experience any pain or difficulty hearing after trying these steps, see a doctor immediately.
Although it may seem absurd, this method truly works to remove water from your ear.
- While lying on your side, use a clean dropper to dispense water into the affected ear.
- Turn over with the afflicted ear facing down after waiting 5-15 seconds. The water should drain away completely.

13. Take a nonprescription drug
Another safe method how to remove water from your ears is take prescription drugs. If you are experiencing water accumulation in your ears, it is important to seek medical attention as this could indicate a more serious issue. Ear irrigation with a sterile solution may help clear the water from the ear canal. If this is not an option or if the water accumulation is severe a nonprescription drug.
There are several over-the-counter (OTC) eardrops available. Most are alcohol-based and can kill bacteria, clear earwax, and debris, and help you dry up your outer ear canal.
14. Go to an ENT doctor and seek medical help
The best and safest method how to remove water from your ears is to seek medical help. Swimming can be a great exercise, but it can also be dangerous if you don’t take precautions to protect your ears. After swimming, it is important to remove any water that may have entered your ears. This can be done by using a few simple techniques.
If you experience intense pain, sensitivity to sound, or discharge from your ears, please seek medical help. Water can get trapped in the ear canals and cause significant damage. If left untreated, this can lead to hearing loss or even infection.
What to avoid when removing water from your ears
If you are looking to remove water from your ears, be sure to avoid any of the following: using a cotton swab, using an Ear-Q product, or using a harsh cleaner or alcohol.
- Don’t use cotton swabs. They may also scrape away the wax that covers your ear and protects it, disturb the normal bacterial balance in the ear canal, or irritate the ear canal’s delicate skin.
- Keep your fingers and fingernails out of your ears. The ear canal’s sensitive skin is prone to scratching.
- If you have ear tubes or a perforated eardrum, or if your child does, avoid using hydrogen peroxide or drying drops.
How to prevent water in your ears when swimming or taking a bath
Swimming or taking a bath can result in water getting into your ears. To prevent this, follow these steps:
- First, make sure that you are wearing a swim cap or earplugs.
- Next, try to keep the water out of your ears by using your hands to push the water out of your ears.
- If that doesn’t work, try using a tissue to dry off your ears and then use another tissue to cover your ear canal.

When to visit a doctor when there’s water in your ears?
If you experience water in your ears, it’s important to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Water can accumulate in the ear canal very quickly, and if left untreated, it can cause permanent damage. If you think you may have water in your ears, always seek medical attention.
Conclusion: How To Remove Water From Your Ears (Fast and Safely)
These are some of the safest and most effective ways to remove water from your ears. If you follow these tips, you’ll be able to enjoy your next swim without any problems! Seek medical help if any of these methods do not work or if you experience any other complications.
Sources: How To Remove Water From Your Ears (Fast and Safely)
- Ear Infections – CDC
- How does water get trapped in your ears? – Attune Hearing Pty Ltd
- How to care for moist ears – The Hearing Journal
- Home Remedies: Cleaning out the earwax – Mayo Clinic
- Is it dangerous when water gets trapped in your ears? – Boots Hearingcare
- Techniques for Removing Trapped Water – Centa Medical Group
- Otitis externa: Get rid of swimmer’s ear – University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital