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A urinalysis test is a medical examination of urine. The test can be used to detect a variety of conditions, including kidney disease, urinary tract infections, and diabetes. The test is also used to screen for pregnancy. The urinalysis test price in the Philippines can vary depending on the type of test.
A urinalysis test is a simple and quick test that can be done in a doctor’s office or at a hospital in the Philippines. It is used to check for problems with the urinary system, such as infection, kidney stones, or cancer. The test can also be used to check for pregnancy. In this article, we will examine the urinalysis test price in the Philippines, what it is for, and why Filipino doctors like urologists require Filipino patients to get tested. The urinalysis test price in the Philippines is not expensive, and it is not something that a lot of people have to pay for, and it is usually only done if you are having problems with your urinary system.
Urinalysis is a common laboratory test used to help Filipino physicians and nurses diagnose various diseases. In this article, we will discuss some of the most important things you should know about urinalysis testing.
What is Urinalysis?
A urine test is known as a urinalysis. It is used to identify and treat a variety of illnesses, including diabetes, renal disease, and urogenital infections. It involves examining the color, consistency, and composition of urine.
For instance, an infection of the urinary tract might cause urine to appear hazy rather than clear. Urinary protein levels that are higher than normal may indicate renal disease. Finding the cause of unusual urine results frequently necessitates additional testing.
What Does A Urinalysis Test For?
Urinalysis uses a variety of techniques to look for harmful substances in the urine. These tests can help diagnose conditions such as Urinary Tract Infections and Kidney-related diseases. Urinalysis can also help to monitor a Filipino patient’s health over time.
The following are done in a routine urinalysis:
Urine Color
The urine color is examined to see if it is clear or cloudy. This test is used to identify problems with the kidney, urinary tract, and bladder.
Urine Consistency
The urine consistency is examined to see how thick it is and whether or not there are any clumps. This test is used to determine if there is an infection in the urinary tract. It can also be used to identify problems with the kidneys.
Urine Test for Bacteria
A urine test for bacteria will determine how many bacteria are present in the urine sample. This test can be used to identify UTIs (urinary tract infections).
Why is Urinalysis Done?
Urinalysis is a routine medical test used to look for signs of illness or disease. It is often done when a person has symptoms that suggest they may have a problem, such as urinary pain or blood in the urine. It can be done to check overall health, diagnose, and monitor overall health.
A typical medical examination, pregnancy checkup, or pre-surgery preparation may include a urinalysis. When you are admitted to a hospital, it may also be used to screen for a number of diseases, including diabetes, renal disease, and liver illness.
If you experience back discomfort, back pain with or without accompanying urination, frequent or painful urination, blood in your urine, or other urinary issues, it also may be required. The reason of these symptoms and indications can be determined with the aid of examining the urine.
Your Filipino doctor might advise routine urine tests if you’ve been diagnosed with a medical condition that needs to be monitored, such as kidney disease or a urinary tract infection.
How To Prepare For Your Urinalysis Test
If you are scheduled for a urinalysis test, it is important to take the time to prepare for the test. There are a few things you can do in order to make the process as smooth as possible. First, make sure you have all of the necessary materials ready before arriving at the testing facility. This includes your urine sample, urine specimen cup, and any additional supplies that may be requested by the testing staff.
Another thing to keep in mind is how long it will take to complete the test. Most tests typically take around 30-60 minutes to complete, so it is important to be prepared for that time frame. Finally, remember that you should remain as relaxed as possible during the entire process. If you are feeling stressed or anxious, this will likely impact your results and could lead to complications down the road.
Prior to the test, make sure to:
- Drink plenty of fluids before collection
- Tell the Filipino doctor if you have any allergies or medical conditions that may affect the results of the test
- Wash your hands thoroughly before coming in for the test
Methods Of Collecting A Urine Sample
The Filipino patient’s health will determine how to take a urine sample. For Pinoy patients who are unconscious or confined to a bed, catheters may be utilized.
Children’s hospitals in the Philippines employ wee bags, although outpatient clinics in the Philippines frequently use urine containers.
How To Transport And Store Urine Samples
- Transport urine samples in a cool, dry place.
- Make sure urine containers are leak-proof and have tight covers.
- Store urine samples in a sealed container with a desiccant to prevent moisture from building up.
- Store urine samples in a dark, cool place
- Transport urine samples between 2-8°C (36-46°F).
- Bring urine samples for testing within 1-2 hours after collection.

When To Take Your Urine Sample
If you are a Filipino patient, there is no one set time to take your urine sample.
In general, however, there are circumstances when it may be necessary to take the sample more frequently. If you have been drinking fluids or taking medications that can affect your kidneys, it may be necessary to take the urine sample more often.
In addition, if you have any type of infection or if you have recently undergone surgery, it is important to contact your Filipino doctor and ask for an order for a urinalysis before taking a urine sample.
How Is Urine Processed?
The process of urine analysis begins by collecting a sample of urine in a cup or bottle. The sample is then sent to a lab for analysis. The Medical Technologist or technician will use a variety of tests to examine the urine for signs of illness.
The following are the three phases of processing urine samples before releasing of results:
Physical Exam
Color, Clarity, and sometimes the odor are evaluated by the analyst.
Most of the time, urine is clear. A problem, like an infection, can be indicated by cloudiness or a strange odor. Urine might seem frothy if it contains protein. It can also seem red or brown if there is blood present. The recent foods consumed or particular medications are taken can have an impact on the color of urine. Urine may turn reddish if you consume beets or rhubarb, for instance.
Dipstick test
A dipstick is inserted into the urine; it is a thin, plastic stick with chemical-stripped strips on it. The chemical strips change color when particular compounds are present or when their levels are higher than usual. Using a dipstick, you can examine:
- Specific Gravity – How concentrated the particles are in your urine can be determined in this parameter. Lack of fluid intake frequently leads to a higher than usual concentration.
- Acidity (pH) – Urine typically contains little protein. Larger quantities of protein in the urine could point to a kidney issue, however small increases are typically not cause for alarm.
- Ketones – Any level of ketones found in your urine could be an indication of diabetes and call for more testing.
- Sugar – Urine typically contains too little sugar (glucose) to be seen. This test typically requires additional diabetes testing if sugar is detected.
- Bilirubin – As red blood cells break down, bilirubin is produced. Normally, bilirubin travels via your bloodstream to your liver, where it is processed and combined with other substances to form bile. You may have a liver illness or injury if you have bilirubin in your urine.
- Blood – Additional testing is necessary if there is blood in your urine. It might be a symptom of kidney disease, an infection, kidney or bladder stones, kidney or bladder cancer, or blood issues.
- Indications of Urinary Tract Infection – Your urine may reveal a urinary tract infection if it contains either nitrates or leukocyte esterase, a white blood cell byproduct.
Microscopic Exam
This phase involves reading drops of urine sediment, which is spun in a centrifuge on a slide. It is then evaluated with the cells seen such as the following:
- Red Blood Cells
- White Blood Cells
- Bacteria
- Epithelial Cells
- Mucus Threads
- Yeasts / Parasites
Casts and Crystals are also sometimes seen, which are proteins and chemicals produced by the kidneys. This may signal another condition that is correlated with the other findings.
Upon receipt of the results, the Physician will be the one to interpret and advise for medications.
Urinalysis Test Price in the Philippines: How Much and Where to Get Tested?
Filipinos can visit three types of healthcare providers for urinalysis tests, these are:
A) Government hospitals, clinics, or laboratories
B) Private Hospitals
C) Private Laboratories
The urinalysis test price in the Philippines is between PHP 40.00 to PHP 100.00, depending on the laboratory and location. There are test packages as well that includes urinalysis, which ranges from PHP 1,750.00 to PHP 11,035.00, depending on the test services.
Here are the different urinalysis test prices in the Philippines from various healthcare providers.
A) Government Urinalysis Price
Any government hospitals and clinics
Government | Urinalysis | PHP 40.00 |
B) Private Hospitals Urinalysis Price
Here are some of the urinalysis test prices in the Philippines from private hospitals. It includes packages.
Capitol Medical Center
Capitol Medical Center | Urinalysis | PHP 331.00 |
Perpetual Succor
Perpetual Succor Hospital | Urine C/S | PHP 900.00 |
Urine Na, K, Cl | PHP 220.00 | |
Urine K | PHP 220.00 | |
Urine Cl | PHP 220.00 | |
Urine protein (24 hours) | PHP 726.75 | |
Vitek urine | PHP 1,725.00 |
Philippine Heart Center Urinalysis Price
Philippine Heart Center | Basic Pre-Employment Package (Complete Blood Count, Routine Urinalysis, Chest X-ray (PA)) | PHP 1,150.00 |

C) Private Laboratories Urinalysis Price
Here are some of the urinalysis test prices in the Philippines from private laboratories. It includes packages.
American Bio-Clinic Laboratories
American Bio-Clinic Laboratories | Basic Health Package | PHP 1,390.00 |
BioChem Healthcare Services | Urinalysis | PHP 75.00 |
Hi-Precision | 24 Hour Urine Citric Acid/Citrate c/o Hi-Precision | PHP 6,268.50 |
24 Hour Urine Copper (hi – Precision) | PHP 6,887.33 | |
24 Hour Urine Oxalic Acid C/O | PHP 9,331.88 | |
24Hr Urine Catecholamine (Hi-Pre) | PHP 9,331.88 | |
5HIAA / Urine Setotonin Above 18 y/o (HI-PRE) | PHP 7,444.00 | |
5HIAA / Urine Setotonin Below 18 y/o (HI-PRE) | PHP 6,529.50 |
Lab1 Diagnostic Center
Lab1 Diagnostic Center | Urinalysis | PHP 80.00 |

Takeaway: Urinalysis Test Price in the Philippines 2023 (What is Urinalysis Test for?)
Urinalysis is a vital part of your health care routine. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your sample is as accurate and reliable as possible.
In conclusion, the urinalysis test price in the Philippines in 2023 is relatively cheap. However, it is important to know what the test is for and how it can benefit you. The urinalysis test can help detect various problems in your body, so it is important to consult with your doctor to see if the test is right for you.
Resources: Urinalysis Test Price in the Philippines 2023 (What is Urinalysis Test for?)
- Urinalysis – Mayo Clinic
- Urine Testing – Watsons Health Hub
- Urinalysis: What It Is, Purpose, Types & Results – Cleveland Clinic
- Urinalysis (Urine Test) – Purpose, types, results – National Kidney Foundation
- Understanding urine tests – – NCBI
- Urine Test: About This Test – MyHealth Alberta
- Urinalysis – Clinical Methods – NCBI Bookshelf
- What is a Urinalysis? – Urology Care Foundation
- Complete Urinalysis – Health Encyclopedia – University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester

This website is intended to educate both members of the general public and those working in the medical field on the prevalence, causes, and methods for preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases that affect people throughout their lives. This website’s content is provided solely for informational reasons and is not meant to serve as a substitute for the advice of a qualified medical practitioner.