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Common Teen Health Problems in the Philippines

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Let’s face it, as a Filipino parent; teen health is the most challenging and complicated issue that we have right now.

So how do you solve it?

When it comes to teen health, there are a few things that Pinoy parents need to be aware of. Some common health problems teens face include acne, weight gain, and anxiety. It is essential for Filipino parents to be proactive in helping their teens stay healthy and happy.

It is no secret that the teenage years are full of highs and lows. This is when kids explore their identity and figure out who they are, which can be both exciting and challenging. But with all the changes come new risks for health.

The teenage years are a time of significant change and growth for most young people. Along with this comes an increased risk for health problems, some of which can be difficult to avoid. However, by following a few simple tips, your teens can significantly reduce their chances of developing common health problems during this time.


Here are some tips for Filipino parents in dealing with common teen health problems:


Depression is a problem that can affect any age group, but it is especially common in teenagers. Teenagers are often restless and have more energy than usual, which can mask the signs of depression. If Filipino parents are aware of the symptoms of depression and how to deal with it, they can help their teenagers get the support they need.

Parents should be aware of the signs of depression in their teenagers and take action if they notice any changes in behavior. Some common symptoms to watch for include withdrawal from friends and activities, a change in appetite or weight, decreased energy, difficulty concentrating, and thoughts of suicide.

If you think your child is experiencing depression, it is essential to talk to them about what is going on and find resources to help them get help.


Alcohol and Drug Use

Alcohol and drug use is a teen health problem that Filipino parents should know about. Teens are more likely to use drugs and alcohol if they have friends who do and feel like they have no other options. Parents can help keep their teens safe by setting rules about drinking and using drugs and being open about how dangerous these behaviors are.

Filipino parents should deal with teen health problems like alcohol and drug use in various ways. Some Pinoy parents may want to talk to their children about the dangers of using these substances, while others may want to strictly enforce rules against drinking and drug use. Ultimately, it is up to each parent to decide what is best for their child.

Vaping: A Major Teen Health Problem

There is a lot of debate on whether or not vaping is actually harmful to your health. However, there are a few things that are clear.

First, vaping exposes you to nicotine and other chemicals that can be harmful.

Second, vaping can lead to addiction to these substances.

Finally, vapers who continue to vape may increase their risk for lung cancer and other respiratory diseases.

In short, it’s crucial for Filipino parents to talk with their children about the dangers of vaping and help them make healthy choices.


Cigarettes: A Major Teen Health Problem

Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the Philippines. In fact, cigarettes are the leading cause of preventable death in young people. Each year, more than 1,000 teens die from smoking-related illnesses.

Cigarette smoke contains toxins that can damage cells in the lungs and other parts of the body. Teens who smoke are more likely to develop serious health problems, including lung cancer and heart disease. Smoking also increases your risk of getting other diseases, such as diabetes and stroke.

Filipino parents should talk to their children about the dangers of smoking and encourage them to quit smoking. If a teen smokes cigarettes, parents should try to stop them from using them and help them find ways to quit smoking.


Illegal Drugs: A Major Teen Health Problem

Illegal drugs are a significant teen health problem in the Philippines. According to the Dangerous Drug Board, a government agency in the Philippines, more than 1 million Filipino aged 12 or older have used an illegal drug at some point in their lives.

There are many reasons why Filipino teens might choose to use illegal drugs. Some may be looking for an escape from problems at home or school. Others may feel like they have no other choice because they can’t find legal drugs that are safe and effective. Others are under peer pressure from their friends. Whatever the reason, using illegal drugs can lead to serious health problems.


Pimples or Acne: The Most Annoying Teen Health Problem

Teen health problems in the Philippines can be pretty common due to the climate and quality of air, and there are many things that Filipino parents can do to help their kids get through them.

Acne is definitely something that many teens deal with, and there are ways to treat it.

Pimples can also be a problem for some kids, but there are ways to get rid of them too.

Parents should talk to their kids about what they’re experiencing and help them find the best way to deal with it.



Puberty is a time when a lot of changes happen in the body, both physically and emotionally. Teen health problems like acne, irregular periods, and body odor can be common during this time. Filipino parents should help their teens deal with these changes by providing support and guidance. They should also keep an eye on their teen’s health to make sure they’re getting the appropriate care.

Some things that may happen during puberty are body hair, a change in voice, acne, periods, and breast growth. Make sure your child is aware of these things, so they aren’t surprised or uncomfortable when they occur.


Body Hair

Parents should be aware of the normal changes that take place during puberty in their children. Puberty is a time when the body undergoes many physical changes, including an increase in body hair. It’s essential for Filipino parents to explain these changes to their children and help them feel comfortable with them. Parents can discuss what is happening with their child’s bodies and help them feel confident about themselves.

Voice Modulation Change

Teen health problems can be pretty confusing for Pinoy parents. Puberty is a significant change for most kids, and it can be hard to keep up with all the changes. Parents should explain puberty to their children in a way that they can understand. IIt’simportant to reassure them that everything is going to be okay and that they don’t have to worry about anything yet. IIt’salso helpful to explain changes like a changing voice because some kids may feel worried or embarrassed about it. Parents should talk with their children about these things and help them feel comfortable with the process of growing up.

Menstrual Periods

When a teenage girl starts to experience her menstrual cycle, she is likely wondering what is happening to her. It can be a confusing time for her, and she may not understand all of the details about it. It is vital for Filipino parents to take the time to explain everything to their daughter, including what the cycle is and why it happens. Parents can start by explaining that periods are a part of being a woman and that they are not something terrible. They should also reassure their daughter that she does not have to be embarrassed about them and that she can talk about anything else with them. By taking the time to explain things to your daughter, you will help her feel more comfortable during this phase of her life.

Breast Growth

Filipino parents should explain breast growth to their teenage daughters in an age-appropriate and respectful way. It is essential, to be honest and forthcoming about the changes that are happening to a young woman’s body, but it is also important not to overreact or make too much of the changes. Acknowledge that there may be some discomfort associated with the process, but reassure your daughter that everything will work out in the end. Let her know you are there for her during this time and offer any advice or support you can.

Suicide, Teen Health Psychological Problem

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the Philippines and the second leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds in Asia. Suicide rates have been on the rise for decades, but they have accelerated in recent years. In 2013, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death in Asia, claiming more lives than homicide.

What are the signs of teenage suicide

  • Talking about wanting to die or hurt themselves
  • Making threats about suicide or hurting themselves
  • Acting out suicidal behavior, like cutting, drinking, or using drugs excessively
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Giving away prized possessions, like jewelry or expensive clothes

There are many warning signs that a teenager may be suicidal. Some common symptoms include talking about wanting to die or hurt oneself, expressing feelings of hopelessness or helplessness, withdrawing from friends and family, behaving impulsively or recklessly, exhibiting extreme mood swings, engaging in risky behavior (such as driving while under the influence), and giving away prized possessions. If you are concerned about your teenager, do not hesitate to seek help. There are many resources available, including mental health professionals, family support groups, and suicide prevention hotlines.

Suicide is a very serious psychological problem that can affect any teen. Parents can help prevent suicide by being supportive and understanding, providing access to mental health resources, and engaging in open dialogue with their children about suicide prevention. It is essential for Pinoy parents to be aware of the signs and symptoms of suicide so they can take action at an early stage.


Appearance: A Common Teen Health Problem

Body image is a common teen health problem in the Philippines.

Teens are often self-conscious about their appearance and may feel pressure to look a certain way.

This can lead to problems with eating, sleeping, and socializing.

Filipino parents can help their children by providing support and encouragement, setting boundaries on what is acceptable behavior, and helping them to understand that everyone is different.


Lack of Nutrition Leads to Teen Health Problems

It is no secret that a lack of proper nutrition can lead to health problems in adults, including obesity and diabetes. What many people do not realize is that this is also true for teenagers. A lack of vitamins and minerals, especially during the teenage years, can lead to several health problems, including anemia, poor vision, and dental issues.

One way Filipino parents can help their children get the nutrients they need is by providing them with a balanced diet. This means including both healthy fats and carbohydrates in their meals. It is also crucial for teenagers to get enough protein, as this nutrient helps build muscle and bones.

Additionally, parents should encourage their children to get regular exercise to stay healthy overall.


Obesity Teen Health Problems

Obesity is a problem that is growing among teenagers, and it is vital for Filipino parents to be aware of the symptoms so they can take action. Teenagers who are obese often have a higher risk of developing health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. Parents can help their teenagers to lose weight by providing healthy food options and ensuring that the teenager exercises regularly.

There are a few things that Filipino parents can do to help reduce the weight of their overweight teenagers. One of the most important things that parents can do is to make sure that their teenagers are getting enough exercise. Exercise helps reduce body fat, but it also helps improve moods and mental health. Additionally, Pinoy parents can encourage their teenagers to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. By eating a healthy diet, teenagers will be able to reduce the amount of weight that they gain over time.


Too Much Junk Food Teen Health Problems

Eating too much junk food can be a big problem for teens, especially in the Philippines. Not only is it unhealthy, but it can also lead to weight gain and other health problems.

Filipino parents should try to encourage their kids to eat better foods and avoid eating too much junk food. If the child is struggling with weight or other health problems, they may need professional help.

Parents should try to get their teenagers to eat healthier by providing them with good food choices. They can do this by setting good examples and being firm but understanding. Pinoy parents can also try to encourage their teens to exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and avoid smoking and drinking.


Too Much Sugar and Desserts

Overeating sugar like soda and desserts is a teen health problem.

This type of food can cause weight gain, tooth decay, and other issues.

Filipino parents should try to limit their children’s intake of sugary foods and drinks and talk to them about the dangers of over-eating.


Teenage Pregnancy: A Serious Teen Health Problem for Girls

One of the most common teenage health problems is teenage pregnancy. 1 in 4 girls (estimate) will get pregnant by the time they are 18, and 1 in 6 girls will get pregnant before their 20th birthday.

Teenagers are especially susceptible to getting pregnant because their bodies are still developing, and they may not be aware of their contraception options. There are many ways that Filipino parents can help prevent teenage pregnancy. Some tips include:

  • Teach teenagers about birth control options and how to use them correctly.
  • Setting clear expectations for sexual behavior, including no dating before age 16 and using contraception when engaging in sexual activity.
  • Providing financial assistance for contraceptives, including condoms and birth control pills.

There are several things Filipino parents can do to help prevent teenage pregnancies. They can talk to their daughters about contraception and STI prevention. They can also ensure that their daughters have access to quality health care, including prenatal care and abortions if they choose them.


Violence: A Common Teen Health Problem for Boys

Teen violence is a huge problem for parents in the Philippines. According to research, one in three girls and one in four boys will experience physical violence from an intimate partner by the time they turn 18.

Additionally, about half of all juvenile offenders report experiencing physical violence before their criminal behavior became known to law enforcement. This means that Filipino parents need to be aware of the signs of teen violence and be prepared to deal with it if it occurs.

Parents can do several things to help prevent teen violence, including setting clear rules and boundaries, providing support and encouragement, and being available to talk about problems.


Mental Health

Mental health is a problem for teens in the Philippines. According to mental health associations, one in five teens experience some sort of mental health issue every year. Especially during the pandemic, teens suffered the most.

Mental health includes anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. Mental health problems can be severe and interfere with a teen’s ability to function at school or in their social life. Pinoy parents need to be aware of mental health issues and how to deal with them.


Depression: A Common Teen Health Problem

Depression is a mental illness that affects young adults in the Philippines. About 1 in 10 Filipino teens have experienced moderate to severe depression (8.9% of teens) aged 18 and older. This is according to mental health research done by Filipino researchers. IIt’sone of the most common mental illnesses, and it can seriously impact a person’s ability to function at work, at school, or in their relationships.

If you think your teen may be suffering from depression, there are some things you can do to help.

  • First, make sure your teen is getting treatment for the illness.
  • Second, be supportive and understanding during your teen’s treatment.
  • Finally, keep an eye on your teen’s mood and behavior to make sure he or she is getting better.


Bullying: A Common Teen Health Problem

Bullying in teens is prevalent in the Philippines, and parents need to be aware of the signs and how to deal with them. Here are some common symptoms of bullying in teens:

  • Being made fun of or being the target of mean jokes
  • Being isolated from friends or being ignored
  • Having possessions stolen, damaged, or destroyed
  • Witnessing physical violence

Bullying can take many forms, including verbal taunting, spreading rumors, and physical assaults. It is crucial for Filipino parents to be aware of their child’s social environment and to be able to identify potential signs of bullying. Parents should teach their children about bullying in order to help them identify and avoid it. Parents should also talk to their children about the importance of using words instead of violence when confronted with bullying behavior.


Sexual Health

Sexual health is a teen health problem that Filipino parents should be aware of. Teens are at an increased risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, because they are more likely to have multiple partners and engage in risky behaviors.

Parents can help their teens stay safe by teaching them about STIs and how to prevent them, setting clear boundaries about sexual activity, and monitoring their teen’s behavior.



Teens today are more sexually active than ever before. This increase in sexual activity has led to a rise in STDs and early pregnancies. One way Filipino parents can help their teens avoid these problems is by teaching them the importance of abstinence.

Abstinence means not having sexual intercourse until you are married. It is the best way to avoid getting pregnant and/or getting an STD. Teens who abstain from sex will have a lower risk of getting pregnant or becoming infected with an STD.


Birth Control

In the Philippines, birth control is a taboo subject that parents can not discuss with their children because the Philippines is primarily Catholic.

But when it comes to birth control, there are a few things that Filipino parents should keep in mind.

The first is to make sure that their teens are aware of all of their options. This includes both traditional methods like condoms and birth control pills, as well as newer methods like IUDs and implants. IIt’simportant to let them know that there are many different types of contraception out there, so they can find the one that is best for them.

Additionally, parents should be open about the fact that not every method is 100% effective. This means that there is a chance of pregnancy occurring from time to time, but it’s still an important option for people who want to avoid getting pregnant.

Finally, it’s crucial for Filipino parents to talk with their teens about birth control in a way that is both informative and age-appropriate. For example, some parents might choose to talk about all of the different options with their teens, while others might choose to let their teens ask specific questions about different methods. Whichever approach works best for the parents and their teen.


STD Testing

Parents should explain to their teens that they will be required to have a sexually transmitted disease (STD) test as part of their health checkup. This is important information for both Filipino parents and teens, as it helps to dispel any myths or misconceptions about STD testing.

It is also crucial for parents to be aware of what tests are available and what the risks and benefits are associated with each.


Conclusion: Filipino Parents’ Teen Health Guide

There are a lot of common health problems that teenagers face, and parents need to be aware of them in order to help their children. Some of the most common health problems that teenagers face in the Philippines include obesity, smoking, drinking, drug abuse, and sexually transmitted diseases. Parents should have a plan and work with their children to get them healthy and stay healthy.

Parents should be aware of the many different types of health problems that teens can suffer from. By understanding the symptoms and addressing them accordingly, Filipino parents can help their children feel more comfortable and confident during this time.

Teen Health Problems Philippines - Medical Trends Now - Depression, Alcohol, Drugs, Vaping, smoking Cigarettes, Pimples, Acne, Menstrual Period, Suicide, Nutrition, diet, obesity, diabetes, sugar, pregnancy, violence
Teen Health Problems in the Philippines


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