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Acute cystitis is a common infection of the urinary tract. It affects both men and women, but it’s more common in Filipino women. This article contains facts about Acute Cystitis and what measures you can do to prevent and treat it.
What Is Acute Cystitis?
Acute cystitis is a condition where the bladder becomes inflamed and filled with urine and other fluids. This can cause pain, a fever, and a feeling of urgency to urinate. Acute cystitis most often occurs in Filipino women ages 18 to 45, but it can also occur in men and children.
What Are The Symptoms of Acute Cystitis?
The following are possible signs and symptoms of cystitis:
- Frequent, light urination
- Discomfort and burning sensation when urinating
- Strong, constant urge to urinate
- Passing pee that is cloudy or has a strong odor
- Urine with blood (hematuria)
- Pelvic discomfort
- A pressing sensation below your abdominal button (abdomen)
- Low-grade fever

What Are The Causes of Acute Cystitis?
A variety of factors can contribute, including:
- A problem with the bladder or urethra. This could be due to an infection (such as a UTI), a birth defect, or surgery.
- A problem with the urinary tract muscles. This could involve anything from infections to diseases like MS or ALS.
- Medications that affect the bladder (such as anticholinergics and NSAIDs).
- Rectal issues (like anal sex).
- Infectious organisms can get into the bladder through the urethra or other openings in the body (such as E Coli).
- Chronic bladder conditions like overactive bladder or UTI.
- Bladder cancer.
- Interstitial Cystitis – It is unclear what causes the painful bladder condition, commonly known as chronic bladder inflammation. Most cases involve Filipino women. Diagnoses and treatments for the ailment can be challenging.
- Radiation Cystitis – Bladder tissue can have inflammatory alterations as a result of radiation therapy to the pelvic region.
- Drug-related Cystitis – Certain medications, such as some chemotherapy therapies, can produce bladder inflammation as the drugs’ degraded components leave the body.
- Foreign-body Cystitis – The prolonged use of a catheter increases the risk of bacterial infections and tissue damage. These two can both result in bladder irritation.
- Cystitis Associated with other conditions – Cystitis can occasionally develop as a side effect of other diseases or injuries, such as diabetes, kidney stones, an enlarged prostate, or spinal cord damage.
- Chemical Cystitis – Chemicals present in some items may be particularly irritating to some people. Some examples of these are spermicidal jelly, bubble baths, and personal hygiene spray. The bladder may become inflamed as a result of an allergic reaction.

Who Are At Risk?
Bladder infections and recurrent urinary tract infections might happen to females more often than men. The physical makeup is a major factor wherein the urethra is shorter in females. This indicates that the distance that bacteria must travel to infect the bladder to do so is lessened.
You are at risk of developing recurrent Urinary Tract Infections if you are:
- Sexually Active – Bacteria may be pushed into the urethra during sexual contact.
- Pregnant – The risk of a bladder infection may increase due to hormonal changes during pregnancy.
- Using certain birth control methods – The risk of getting a UTI rises when using a diaphragm. Spermicide-containing diaphragms may further raise danger.
- Interference with the urine’s natural flow – This can happen when there is a bladder stone or an enlarged prostate, for example.
- Urinary catheter use that lasts a long time. People with chronic conditions or older persons may require these tubes. Use for an extended period of time may increase your risk of bacterial infections and bladder tissue damage.
- Modifications to the immunological system – Certain illnesses, such as diabetes, HIV infection, and cancer treatment, can cause this.

Why Is Acute Cystitis More Common In Women Than Men?
Blame it on the anatomy.
Acute cystitis is a common condition that affects the bladder and urethra. It is more common in Filipino women than men for several reasons.
First, Filipinas have a shorter urethra than men, which makes it easier for bacteria to travel from the outside of the body to the bladder.
Second, during sexual activity, bacteria can be introduced into the urethra and cause an infection.
Third, Filipinas also have a higher pH in their urethras, which can make them more susceptible to infection.
Finally, pregnancy and certain types of birth control can also increase the risk of developing acute cystitis.
All of these factors together make it more likely that Filipino women will suffer from acute cystitis than men.
How Is Acute Cystitis Diagnosed?
Acute cystitis is diagnosed by a Filipino doctor based on the patient’s symptoms and medical history. The Filipino doctor may also do a physical exam and test for urinary tract infections (UTIs).
To diagnose a UTI, the doctor in the Philippines will look for signs of bacteria in the urine by requesting for Urine exam or Urinalysis. Imaging, such as ultrasound, may also be advised.
How Is Acute Cystitis Treated?
Antibiotics are typically used to treat cystitis brought on by bacterial infections. The cause of various types of cystitis will determine how they should be treated.
Treatment typically involves antibiotics and pain relief.
1. Bacterial Cystitis
For bacteria-induced cystitis, antibiotics are the initial line of defense. It depends on your general health and the bacteria discovered in the urine as to which medications are taken and for how long.
Within the first few days of taking antibiotics, symptoms frequently get much better. However, depending on how bad your infection is, you might need to take antibiotics for three days to a week.
Your doctor in the Philippines might recommend taking antibiotics for a longer time if you frequently get urinary tract infections. You can also be directed to a medical professional who focuses on issues with the urinary tract (urologist or nephrologist). An expert can look for any urologic issues that might be the source of the infections. In some situations, taking one dose of an antibiotic after sex may be beneficial for preventing recurrent infections.
Treatment for bladder infections acquired in hospitals can be difficult. This is due to the fact that hospital-acquired bacteria are frequently resistant to the usual categories of antibiotics used to treat community-acquired bladder infections. It may be necessary to use several antibiotics and therapy modalities.
2. Non-Infectious Cystitis
Some Filipinos are hypersensitive to the chemicals found in products like spermicide and bubble baths. Avoiding these items may lessen symptoms and stop further cystitis outbreaks. Having a lot of fluids also aids in flushing out any potential bladder irritants.
The primary goal of treatment for cystitis that arises as a side effect of chemotherapy or radiation therapy is to reduce pain using medication.
What Are The Risks Of Untreated Acute Cystitis?
Untreated acute cystitis can lead to a number of complications, including:
- Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- Pyelonephritis (a kidney infection)
- Pneumonia
- Acute renal failure (ARF)
- Menstrual pain
- Urinary incontinence
- Sexual dysfunction in Filipino women
- Erectile dysfunction in men.

How Is Acute Cystitis Prevented?
The best way to prevent acute cystitis is to avoid getting sick in the first place by practicing good hygiene, avoiding over-the-counter medications that can cause UTIs, and getting regular checkups. If you do get diagnosed with acute cystitis, your doctor in the Philippines may prescribe antibiotics to clear up the infection.
Other self-care measures include:
- Hydrate and drink plenty of fluids
- Wipe from front to back after a bowel movement
- Wash skin surrounding genitals gently
- Urinate frequently
- Avoid using deodorants and feminine washes
- Empty bladder after sexual intercourse

What To Do If You Have A Urinary Tract Infection
- Seek medical attention as soon as possible.
- Drink lots of fluids to help flush out the infection.
- Use over-the-counter painkillers as needed.
- Avoid sexual activity until the infection is treated.
- Stay in a warm, dry environment.
- Rest and relax.
- Avoid drinking cold drinks or eating ice chips.
Make an appointment with your healthcare provider if you experience symptoms that are typical of cystitis. You might next consult a medical professional who focuses on urinary tract issues after your initial appointment (urologist or nephrologist).
How Will The Pain Caused By the Acute Cystitis Be Relieved?
The discomfort and pain caused by Acute Cystitis can greatly affect your day. Somehow, You can relieve bladder pressure or pain by applying a heating pad to your lower abdomen.
On the other hand, prevent the pain from being severe by keeping yourself hydrated and consuming plenty of liquids. Do not consume any caffeine-containing beverages, alcohol, coffee, or citrus juices. Until your infection has cleared up, stay away from spicy foods as well. These things may cause bladder irritation and aggravate a desire to urinate frequently or urgently.
We hope this article has helped you understand what Acute Cystitis is, how it’s diagnosed and treated, and how to prevent it from happening in the first place.
- Acute cystitis: Overview – – NCBI Bookshelf
- Acute Cystitis – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf
- Acute simple cystitis in women – UpToDate
- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) and Cystitis (Bladder Infection) in Females – Medscape
- Cystitis – acute: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
- Cystitis – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic
- Urinary tract infections | Office on Women’s Health
- Cystitis – Better Health Channel
- Blame your anatomy: Women are more prone to UTI than men – Norton Healthcare
- Cystitis – Health conditions directory
- Acute cystitis – Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment – BMJ
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis – AAFP
- Philippine Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Urinary Tract Infections in Adults – Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
- CPG for UTI in Adults 2015 Update: Part 2 – Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
- What Are the Best Antibiotics for a Urinary Tract Infection? – GoodRx
- Acute Cystitis – Calamba Medical Center
This website is intended to educate both members of the general public and those working in the medical field on the prevalence, causes, and methods for preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases that affect people throughout their lives. This website’s content is provided solely for informational reasons and is not meant to serve as a substitute for the advice of a qualified medical practitioner.